Sunday, January 26, 2014

Speed Work for the end of the cycle.

And now on to Speed work Friday. As this is the end of the cycle I am now doing 60% of what I did on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Does speed work I would say yes. My squats and benches are all quick especially my bench (it is the lockout I need to work on) however I think my deadlift is a little slower than what I would like it to be. That is why I do it.
Using the 60% for this week makes the weights as such,
Box squats          160kg
Benchpress         130kg
Deadlift               150kg

Safety Bar Box Squats     160kg No# 1 and 2 Bands 90kg of tension and bar weighs 25kg.
Safety Bar Box Squats Set 3
Safety Bar Box Squats Set 7
Safety Bar Box Squats Set 10
Set 3 Good set up in the first video, however a little to slow on the up part of the rep. Feet could have been out wider and knees stayed back a bit more. I appear a little high however I think that is either cause I am wearing shorts or the video makes it appear that way as it is a touch and go.
Set 7 A bit better speed on this and part of that is the wider stance. Also as I am changing from a stop to a touch and go every now and then my body just says stop. that is why that part happens. I stopped on the box for about 2 years and have only been doing touch and go for the last 3 weeks so it is going to take a little while to get use to that part.
Set 10 A lot better form and speed wise. Feet out wider and a good touch and go. Knees stay back a bit more. Also could feel myself keeping my knees out as well  Good speed off the box as well.

Overall a pretty good speed workout for box squats. There were/are things that I still have to work on and get sorted. I will have to think about the mat thing (1 or 2) and getting my feet out wider from the first set onwards.

Speed benchpress 130kg incl 60kg of Chain
Speed Bench 130kg with 60kg of Chain Set 3
Speed Bench 130kg with 60kg of Chain Set 7
Speed Bench 130kg with 60kg of Chain Set 10
 Set 3 Set up good and speed off my chest not as bad or slow as I thought. However had to remind myself to press through the whole movement and not slow down or stop to early. Didn't think this was quick enough.
Set 7 Set up was good and taking out strong, pretty quick off my chest and this time I was driving a lot further in the rep. Speed could have been a bit better. Also touch point a bit further down the body and a tighter tuck in the elbows should help my overall speed.
Set 10 A lot better pressing over this set and a better tuck. I think I might have been a little further down the body. Speed off my chest was good and as you can see I was pressing right through the rep. A lot happier with this set. Just need to start doing it on all sets.

My speed benching is coming along however if I want to hit my goals for this year or next year I will need to focus on this exercise a lot more while I am actually training speed bench in all it forms.

Speed Deads 150kg 2 Mats
Speed Deads 150kg off 2 Mats Set 3
Speed Deads 150kg off 2 Mats Set 7
Speed deads 150kg off 2 Mats Set 10
Set 3 Still doing the first 5 reps in the sumo style. Hips a little high. A good strong pull but not a quick as I would want it to be. Hips are coming through reasonably good at the moment.
Set 7 Back to my normal deadlifting style. Good speed off the mats and you can see me driving my hips through a lot better this time. Better concentration on what I want to do as well. By now the weight feels really light.
Set 10 Probably one of the best sets of the day. Quick off the floor and through the whole rep. In fact a bit more speed than I thought as you can see me have to correct the over balance.

Overall I am a lot happier with how my deadlifting is going at the moment. Both from a heavy day ((Read my previous blog post though) stand point and the speed work.

Over the 3 week cycle speed day has come along nicely and it give me something to build on. There is still plenty of work to do on Squats and Bench especially. I think to get the best out of this day I need to go into the gym with a lot better focus and think of it that way. Part of the reason that I might not be thinking and focussing properly on the day is because the weight is so much lighter (50% - 60%) and my thinking is "I can handle this". With big weight you have to be switched on or it not going to happen. Something for me to think about.    

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