Sunday, February 26, 2012

New Cycle

Well we got though another week of training just.

Monday which is Power squat day I did real well with the blue bands over the bar and then add the weight. We estimate the tension of the Blue bands at 80kg so you just keep adding weight from there. My goal was to have 325kg all up including the bar and bands and to do doubles. Had my suit on and since I only have about 7 weeks until the Otago's I put the straps up as I have not done this since last year's Nationals. Man did I get thrown around on a couple of the reps. Only managed to get singles done but as I get more time with the straps up that will turn into doubles. Don't know how deep I was but they were what I call "good solid reps" which means I wasn't going 1/2 way down but somewhere near the depth I need a competition. Speed on the way up was good and overall I am happy with how I am going.

Benchpress on Tuesday was a new exercise with having the No#1 Bands over the bar and having a all up tension of 40kg then load the weight on. Into my Titan Fury Shirt as well and was able to get 240kg to my chest with good control and good speed and a strong lockout at the top of the rep. 3 sets of singles today and I am pretty happy with how things are going. 240kg should be my starting weight at the Otago's.

Because life got in the way on Wednesday I did not get to do my Deads this week so not sure how I am going on this.

Friday was speed day with box squats with the No# 2 bands over the bar. The box was set at just below parallel and I was getting my feet out as far as I could. 10 x 2 reps with about 165kg of all up weight on the bar. Speed off the box was a bit better than it has been lately and as I squeeze my butt real tight and drive my knees out on the way up I could feel it by the end of these.

Speed press was also with the No# 2 bands over the bar and as a variation I used a blue band around my elbows to get the same sensation as using a SLINGSHOT or RAM. 10 sets of 3 reps with 137.5kg all up including the bands. Got timed on a few of the sets and was timing around 2.5 seconds for the 3 reps which is a bit slow but I have to start somewhere. Over time I can see this coming back to the 2 second mark that I aim for.

Speed deads this cycle are with the black bands over the 5th hole up on a power rack with the bands coming completely off by the time I get to my knees. If you are not ready to pull at this stage the weight is headed back to the ground real quick. I do my speed deads a little different from everybody else as I start at 55% of Wednesday's figure and then over 10 single reps work my way up to 100% increasing the weight by 5% each time. It seems to work for me. The first 5 reps are done in the Sumo style then I revert back to the style that I lift in in competition. Got everything done with the last rep being 280kg.  

Overall I think I had a good week but it could have been a bit better. I still have to look at it over the long term as the 2 major competition's for me this year are the New Zealand Nationals in early August and the Oceania Champs in early December.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The last few days

Well we have got though another few days of training with some good results.

Monday was Squats with 50kg of chain (last week something new next week), Worked up to 285kg on the bar plus the chains. The first rep was a bit high so for the next couple of sets I put my straps up and things went better. Got quite a bit lower and if I was below parallel then I was pretty damn close. Had good speed on the way up. Did 3 sets of single reps. The weight did not feel heavy and I felt like I could have out more weight on the bar and picked it up and step out with it. At this stage I am on line for what I want at the Otago's and if I keep this up then a real good figure for the Nats in August.

Benchpress on Tuesday was good as well. Still trying to get the Fury to work reliably. So work up to 250kg on the bar and came to a 40mm board then a couple at 20mm then I just said to my training partner lets just go to my chest. We have to deal with bent bars at our gym so any where near is good enough for me. but was able to touch and press the weight out with a stop. Off the chest was real quick but had to work real hard for the top part of the rep. This happens to me some times so not to worried about that part. Last year I did not do this until about a month from the Nats so at the moment I am about 5 months in front of last year. New cycle next week so will change to something new, Probably No# 1 bands over the bar.

No deadlifting on Wednesday this week but will put in some speed stuff on Friday. Off the 3" board and will work up to 290 again so should have a 875kg total for the week.

Well thats it for now, Off to do some speed work so will let you know how that goes. Strongman training tomorrow. hope to get some pictures with that so I can put those up as well.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

An update

Been a bit lazy this week so doing the whole week in one go.

Squats on Monday went real well with getting the reps done. Although instead of 2 reps went for singles. Need a bit more strength for the double but will have it by the Nationals especially if I want the squat weight that I want.

Benchpress went real well on Tuesday with me getting a ugly looking 245kg bench for a single. Wasn't planned but I will take . Got 2 sets of 245kg from 2" and 40mm board. I was using my Fury Shirt as I need to do some more work in a shirt.

Deadlifts on Wednesday went well as well. Worked up to 290kg off the floor (50kg of Chain)and got 3 singles out. Good strong pulls on all the singles. Real happy with these.

Speed on Friday went well as well with some good speed coming though on the bench and deadlifts. Was able to pull 290kg again off a 3" board just 2 days after pulling it from the floor.

860kg for the week so back on track with about 8 weeks to go before the Otago's. So a bit of time for some more weight.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Friday Speed Work

Well got in and got my speed work done today and things went well.

Box squats with the Blue bands were good as I was getting a lot of speed off the box. Real happy with these. The box was set just below parallel and I was hitting it with good timing and getting good drive off the box for the stand up part.

Benchpress was with 55kg of chain on the bar and 55kg of weight on the bar. This was real good as I could feel the chains deload on the descent. Could not feel the same thing on the press but got some real good speed. Was timed on the last 4 set of 3 reps and had a best time of 1.7 seconds right out to 2.37 seconds. So somewhere around 2 seconds to get 3 reps done. Must be about right weight for this sort of time.

Deadlifts off a 3" board. Started at 157.5kg and then went up by 5% a time up to what I did on Wednesday which was 270kg. Good strong pulls on all the reps. Felt strong Did the first 5 reps sumo style the switched back to my normal stance. Because being off the 3" board a lot lees back and a lot more butt and leg drive. First time I have done these and I will be keeping them in on rotation.

Good Day overall.

Off to help my training partner at the Masters Games tomorrow. Then to get some strongman training done.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday 1 February 2012
Cycle 9 Week 1

Deadlifts today went well. Off the floor with 50kg of chain over the bar. Reps a little slow than what I wanted but it is power day. 270kg all up for 3 singles. Used only about 10 total reps for warm up as this is what seems to happen at competitions. As I get closer to the competitions then I will bring that number down as your only seem to do 4 - 6 reps as a warm up at them. Good strong lockouts so happy with how it went today.

Tuesday 31st Jan 2012

Cycle 9, Week 1

Back to benching in a shirt today so things felt a little different. Good warm up then on to 230kg off a 3” board.
First set the first rep was crap but it got better from then on. Good speed off the board to lockout. That should get quicker as I do more of this. Using the Fury at this stage as I want a good SuperKat for the Nationals. With the time I have I should just about have the 260kg going as an opener by the Otago’s. If not, then I should at least be somewhere around that sort of figure. Because I Started on a heavier weight today I will have to adjust the rest of the cycle up a bit so looking at 245kg off a 40mm board next week.

Monday 30th Jan 2012
Cycle 9, Week 1

Well got squats out of the way today with 50kg of chain added to the bar as well. Good deep reps so happy with
that part. A little slow on the way up though but to be expected with the big jump I have taken. Suit felt like it was
sticking to me a little but with it being so warm that has to be expected.

Happy with how things went, but knowing that next week will be even harder. Have to expect this as I have big
goals for the Otago’s this year and also the Nationals. Have to work hard if I want the 330kg at the Otago’s.