Friday, September 7, 2012

Speed day Maybe

To end the week I went into Eastside to do some speed work. This is the first time I have done this in a few weeks so I had no Idea what was going to happen.

First up was Speed box squats and since this was the first week it was only at 50% of what I did on Monday (which was 140kg). I know that makes the speed stuff real light but remember it has been a while. The reps were quite good but could have been a bit quicker on some of them. As I do these out quite wide I could feel my butt being activated quite strongly at times and that was helping with some good speed off the box. Happy with this week but will expect more over the next few months.

Speed bench again as above was with 50% of Tuesday, (so only 50kg on the bar) I used the No# 1 bands to help with some speed and it seemed pretty good. Keeping my chest high and tucking my elbows strongly allowed for me to get some good speed on most of the reps. Will be interesting to see how the speed goes over the next few months as well.

Speed pulls I do a bit different from everybody else as I put the bars in a power rack and set it up with the bands over the bars and set so that the whole band comes off just below my knees so I have to pull with all the weight to the top of the rep. I also start at 55% of my top weight on Wednesday and work my way up to 100% in 5% jumps one rep at a time. My mind set is just to pull as hard, strong and as fast as possible though the whole rep. I am not interested in form today as it is all about speed. Today felt good and the bar was coming quite quickly (yes I know the weight was light). Over the next few months I hope to keep this going and  to get a lot quicker.

Overall a okay day, Nothing spectacular.

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