Sunday, December 30, 2012

Strongman/GPP workout Number 1

Need to start doing this to help build some overall Strength, Power and Speed.

Got started with some Hammer hits for 5 sets of 10 reps. Good way of getting the Ab's working and I need to strengthen up though my mid section. The Sledge hammer weigh's 6 lbs.



Next up was Log presses off the tyre's. Not sure whether it was the training over the last few months but they seemed real easy today. The press was actually pretty easy and quick. Happy with this since it was the first time I had done this for a while. 


Tyre Flips were up next with the baby tyre. I call it the baby tyre because it only weighs about 170kg not like the Mongrel which is 225kg+. 5 Sets of 5 Flips for today. Need to lift my head a bit more as I am looking at the other end of the tyre to much. And for people who want to say the tyre flipping can cause torn biceps my comment is if you are flipping right you should not be able to feel your biceps at all as this should be all though your butt. Here is a video of one of my sets Flipping the baby tyre

I then went on to do some framers walk using my 30kg gas bottles with sand in them. It was down the drive and back, about 40 mtrs there and 40 mtrs back. Felt pretty good doing these although with my shoulder I had to put the bottles down and release my shoulder part of the way back. If I use my head I can continue to lift. If I am stupid I sit down and watch everyone else.


Finished off the whole workout by doing tyre drags down the driveway and back like with doing the farmers walk. Felt good and strong all the way and could really feel my butt and hamstrings working which is good as I need to more in this area to help with the bigger squats and bigger deadlifts. 


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