Monday, May 14, 2012

An update

Well how lazy can I get as I have done very little with this for a while. Still trying to work the bullshit thing out with my association and federation. It seems like the president of the association has something personal against me as I stood up to her last year and we have a major difference of opinion. Was nothing to do with abusing refs or anything like that, and I did not think so.

Still life goes on and over the last couple of weeks have had a new person that my training partner and I have been showing the light to in regards to Benchpressing and that's has made me realize I am being lazy. Have not been making up training plans a couple of cycle into the future like I was doing and I could have been doing a lot more strongman stuff. Thanks to Andrew (the new guy). I have refocused on this and am starting to get this done again. Andrew came in with us to do bench on the first time and we asked him what his best was and his reply was 137.5kg in competition (Andrew weighs about 80kg). On that first night we had him do a 140kg press off a 4" board for 3 individual reps, and he was stoked. Got him around for another session a week later and used the finger boards which are 20mm thick and we got him to the 4th board (80mm) with 152.5kg. This week we are going to push him to 160kg as low as he can get it. I think our style of training is a huge difference from what he has been doing and what he thought he could do. We have told him if you stick with us he should be looking at 180kg by the end of the year. Big goals but we ( both Steve and I) think he can do it. He might need to get an up to date Fury of Superkat but hey.

This week I am looking at a 320 + 30kg of chain Squat as the top of this cycle which will be a PB in every way, so pretty keen to have this go. Also looking at a 250kg + 22kg of chain benchpress off my chest as again this is the top of my cycle. Also I am trying to push the Fury as far as I can before I start looking at the Superkat. As this is my 3rd week of my cycle I do not deadlift and this is okay at the moment as I am letting my elbow heal from injuring it while helping people out at he Otago's but the way it is feeling I should be able to go back to deads from the next cycle onwards. I think I did it by helping people get the squat suit straps up. The injury was so bad on the first week that I could only just benchpress and had to stop after close grip for my tri's as it was just to much and I have a good pain tolerance level.

Congratulations to Steve as well for being able to get a total at the Otago's, however not quite what he wanted as he set up real bad for his first squat (320kg) and had to monster it out. Steve did however set a competition PB in the benchpress with a press of 222.5kg. His deadlift was only a 310kg. Still a pretty good total of 852.5kg. As this is only the Otago's and it is the Nationals we are aiming at no need to go all the way  right now. He is (and I hope to) be lifting at the South Islands on the 7th of June. Remember all this is being done under IPF rules and WADA drug testing guidelines.
Also would like to mention the our great friend Sonia Manaena is preparing for the world raw champs in Sweden in June as well. We are supporting her all the way and would love to see her bring home another gold and increase her Raw world deadlift record that she set in Australia at the beginning of April 


As you can see from the pictures I am still doing the strongman training on the weekend 
with who ever turns up. I have no choice in the matter it is something I have to do if I 
want to get stronger for the big lifts as I find this really helps with core stability and 
posterior chain work and it gives me and anybody who turns up a chance to do 
something different. I will find a way to keep this stuff in. 

Anyway sorry for the long post but as I have been lazy I suppose this sort of 
thing happens.  I am going to try and keep it up to date a bit more so post should
 not be as long. Hope all is going well with your training and you are setting and 
achieving your goals.

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