Day 3 Chest and Triceps
After a warm up of some Hammer hits it was time to do some benchpresses and other exercises.
All sets are for 10 reps

First time doing these for a reason since April. Up until then I was working on a 300 kg bench now I am down on 60 kg. Got to start somewhere. The goal is to go back up to those weights and beyond. Felt good tonight with biggest problem actually being to slow down the rep. Felt strong and good, just like old times. Real real happy with this.
Incline Dumbbell Press
This was a slightly harder exercises as my left shoulder did not want work as well as the other I think due to the fact that the left side is where everything started. Concentrating on pressing with that side makes a big difference. Just another challenge I have to beat. The sets were pretty good and I was able to feel them working.
Close Grip Benchpress

Was real happy with these sets as I was able to keep my elbows tucked in real tight. Again as with the benchpresses I had to concentrate on slowing the reps down as the speed was still there and the weight is actually quite light.
Tricep Pressdowns

Again nice and tight tucked in and was able to concentrate on making the triceps work hard. Again just the start so the weight wasn't great however at the moment I am more interested in getting the reps right and using the triceps. Strong triceps equals big benchpresses.
Overall a good a workout and another day of working towards my goals over the next year.
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