Sets of 10 reps
Sled Pulls
A couple of 25mtr there and back pulls with only 40kg on the sled. This felt like a good way to warm up the muscles to start deadlifting with. Need to up the weight a bit and add some sets as well
Wow what a drop 60kg and how many reps did you say. This feels like cardio. Felt good doing them just having to get my set up a little better. Felt like there was more there but right now I have plenty of time.
Bentover Rows
Good sets of 40kg with a lot of concentration on good solid reps, not to fast on the way up and control on the way down. Still trying to keep a good clean tempo. Could feel my back starting to work. That is easy to do with all the time off and just starting to rebuild.
Lat Pulldowns
Needing to add in more volume work so in goes these. As I get stronger and can use other exercises these will come out a bit but good to do. 3 sets at 37.5kg or 45kg.
Dumbbell Rows
Not a lot of weight here but just enough to feel my lats working. Because I am wanting to rebuild muscle mass this is exactly what I am looking for. 3 clean sets of 20kg
45 Degree Hyperextensions
Just a finisher to work my erectors a bit. Controlled descent with a strong pull back up. Could feel my glutes and hams being stretched out a bit as well.
Overall a good workout and it was good to get the whole week in. Overall the whole week has been good. Not a lot of weight or anything to set the world on fire with but it is a start back to where I want to be. There are some things I am going to have to work hard on getting back to where I want/need it and there were some things that surprised me with how much I have retained. Here's to looking at next week. Bring it on.
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