Shoulders and Bi's (10 reps/set)
Warmed up with a couple of sets of sandbag presses using the 20kg sandbag. Are looking at this as more of a GPP exercise that warms up that part of the body we are going to use. Felt pretty good. Feel like I still have plenty of power but need to temper that with the long term goal. Screw it up now sit and watch forever, take my time and people will watch me.
Barbell Shoulder Press
These felt pretty good and could have gone a bit higher but right now I will take them. 1 set @ 20kg and 2 sets @ 25kg
Lat Raise
This is one exercise that I am going to have to monitor quite hard as it was this that start everything off last year. I was raising my left trap shoulder real bad last year and at that stage I had know idea why. Still doing it but way less. It may be something I just have to live with but I can still dictate how I use it. Sets were okay with not a lot of weight and a lot more emphasis on getting the exercise right. 3 set of 5kg with concentrating on feeling the muscle working.
Bentover Lat Raise
Pretty easy stuff but again not pushing things, concentrating on feeling my rear delts working. This is to help build up that whole delt area. 2 sets @ 4kg
D/bell Shrugs
Again another exercise the whole area around my neck shoulder area plus when I get back to some real squats I will have some extra protection there. Concentrating on NOT dropping the weight from the top of the rep. To many people think it is the "up" part of the rep that makes your traps grow, HA, if only. Again could have had more weight but not rushing things. 3 sets @ 17.5kg
Barbell Curls
I have not these for so long but I now feel it is one of those exercises that I need to do. I have been right up to 60kg years ago but not looking at anything like that now, Don't need big bi's to show off for the girls but do want to just get that whole area more filled in. I was able to get out 4 reasonable sets so I will take it. 4 sets @ 20kg
Overall I am happy with how it went and just feel great to be back in the gym training with and for a reason. A long way to go however right now I just have to pay my dues. Yes I know some of the weights are light but where I have been, what I have to consider and where I want to go all have to taken into account and looked at from the bigger picture. I screw this up I watch for the rest of my life however if I do it right people can watch me. 1 year of paying my dues is a small price to pay if it allows me to achieve my long term goals.
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