Sunday, August 14, 2016

A few days in one go and a couple of videos

Lazy Lazy me however here goes.

Tuesday 9th August 2016

Tyre Flips

A rarity today was able to do tyre flips as a warmup as it wasn't being used. Tyre weighs about 100kg and is pretty easy to flip. I just have to get down a bit lower than I am use to but I have the power to flip it. 3 sets of 5 flips. Hopefully I will be strong enough soon to start using my baby tyre which weighs in at 170kg. GOALS

Buffalo bar box squats with 40kg of chain,

Time to get a bit more serious with these now and to that end I have brought reps back to 6 to start building some power. Box has 2 mats on it and for the IPF I am now below parallel. Feet could have been wider which would have stopped me from bunching up towards the bottom and I was sitting down to much and not sitting back. That is why a vidoe camera is so good as a training toll. 4 sets of 6 reps @ 180/140

Buffalo Bar Front Squats

Using the Get Strength Front squat harness and the same buffalo bar, I wimped out here and only went to 70kg when it should have been 100kg. I must stop doing this if I want to achieve my goals. Again my feet were to narrow and I was not quite getting to parallel. Had speed on the way up but that was about it. 2 sets of 10 reps.

Stiff leg Deadlifts

Have not done this in a while so I though I would put these back in for this cycle. Need to go up in weight big time as I am a lot stronger than I think. Reps were easy to easy Need to be up around the 100kg+ mark. They will be heavier next week.

Hanging Leg Curls

A brand new exercise. Using the Reverse Hyper Machine (which doesn't get use by to many people) I placed a 40kg Dumbbell on the ground behind it and put 2 small mini green bands around the handle, I then put them over my heels and jumped up onto the Reverse Hyper machine, let my leg hang and then curled the bands up. Needs a bit more fine tuning to be real effective but it does hit your hams from a different angle and shows up the weak ham real quick. Add in the 15 reps and this is not as easy as you think. 3 sets of 15 reps with a tension weight of about 32.5kg in this case

Reverse Hypers

One of the most underutilized pieces of equipment in the gym. I find this a good way to finish off after doing squats and co. Using it right to help traction out your back makes it a lot better. After watching a video from Louie Simmons (Westside Fame) on how to use it I tried it out and yes it make a massive difference. Tip your head down as you bring your feet down and you get a massive stretch in your spine. Raise your head up as you bring your feet up and it works wonders. Wi;; keep doing it this way. 4 sets of 15 reps @ 120kg. 


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