Sunday, August 14, 2016

A few days in one go and a couple of videos

Lazy Lazy me however here goes.

Tuesday 9th August 2016

Tyre Flips

A rarity today was able to do tyre flips as a warmup as it wasn't being used. Tyre weighs about 100kg and is pretty easy to flip. I just have to get down a bit lower than I am use to but I have the power to flip it. 3 sets of 5 flips. Hopefully I will be strong enough soon to start using my baby tyre which weighs in at 170kg. GOALS

Buffalo bar box squats with 40kg of chain,

Time to get a bit more serious with these now and to that end I have brought reps back to 6 to start building some power. Box has 2 mats on it and for the IPF I am now below parallel. Feet could have been wider which would have stopped me from bunching up towards the bottom and I was sitting down to much and not sitting back. That is why a vidoe camera is so good as a training toll. 4 sets of 6 reps @ 180/140

Buffalo Bar Front Squats

Using the Get Strength Front squat harness and the same buffalo bar, I wimped out here and only went to 70kg when it should have been 100kg. I must stop doing this if I want to achieve my goals. Again my feet were to narrow and I was not quite getting to parallel. Had speed on the way up but that was about it. 2 sets of 10 reps.

Stiff leg Deadlifts

Have not done this in a while so I though I would put these back in for this cycle. Need to go up in weight big time as I am a lot stronger than I think. Reps were easy to easy Need to be up around the 100kg+ mark. They will be heavier next week.

Hanging Leg Curls

A brand new exercise. Using the Reverse Hyper Machine (which doesn't get use by to many people) I placed a 40kg Dumbbell on the ground behind it and put 2 small mini green bands around the handle, I then put them over my heels and jumped up onto the Reverse Hyper machine, let my leg hang and then curled the bands up. Needs a bit more fine tuning to be real effective but it does hit your hams from a different angle and shows up the weak ham real quick. Add in the 15 reps and this is not as easy as you think. 3 sets of 15 reps with a tension weight of about 32.5kg in this case

Reverse Hypers

One of the most underutilized pieces of equipment in the gym. I find this a good way to finish off after doing squats and co. Using it right to help traction out your back makes it a lot better. After watching a video from Louie Simmons (Westside Fame) on how to use it I tried it out and yes it make a massive difference. Tip your head down as you bring your feet down and you get a massive stretch in your spine. Raise your head up as you bring your feet up and it works wonders. Wi;; keep doing it this way. 4 sets of 15 reps @ 120kg. 


Monday, August 8, 2016

Well on to the start of another cycle with a bit more gusto in it

Sled Face Pulls

Done as a warmup before getting into my workout. Have to keep your hands coming past your eyes. Not a lot of weight but I will go up next week. 3 sets of 10 pulls

Seated Buffalo Bar Press with mini green bands (25kg each)

Sitting on the box squat box and pressing the bar. Put a dumbbell either side to get the bands to work that was giving me 25kg of tension per side. got out 2 sets with the bar and then added another 10kg of weight. Left shoulder/tricep seemed to handle it well. The left side is the one I am trying to get to answer again after everything. The lower reps tonight helped with that. 4 sets of 6 reps.

Shoulder press off pins

From a dead stop, weight was probably way to light but will go up next week. 2 sets of 10 reps

Barbell Shrugs

this was the first time going to 15 reps er set so wasn't to sure what was going to happen. Biggest problem at the moment is grip but that will come with time. 2 good controlled sets at 60kg.

Dumbbell Curls

Just to do these to help balance out the arms. 2 sets of 10 reps per side.


Again a change here, have been doing sets of 10 reps but have decided to up this by 2 reps per set. Still using pole as my upper body is just to big. I am working on getting a good pull from my hams on the way up. No one will be able to accuse me of not having strong hams. 4 sets of 12 reps

Well have changed things around a bit and it feels good. The fewer reps on the power movement mean that I can use a bit more weight, that is then compensated for with the extra reps in the next 2 exercise's. The curls to keep my arms safe and the extra reps in the GHR make for an interesting workout. Wasn't sure how this was going to go but more than happy and now I know I can go a bit harder/heavier next week.