Let me explain. Due to a number of factors I have not been able to put up any posts until today. So here goes for Monday. Hmmmm. Into week 2 of this cycle so the reps are down to 2 per set. I have added another 20kg onto the bar but left the chains at the same weight as last week. Straps will now be up and I am trying to work on my setup as well. The counting has not been going as well as I hoped. Also wanting to se a lot more drive out of the bottom. So a few things to work on.
Set 1 260kg + 50kg Chain.
260kg + 50kg Chain Set 1
Felt pretty good with this however the set up was a not quite the way I wanted it to be. Could have been out a little wider and used the full 5 count. Knees were okay but depth could have been a bit more. The drive out of the bottom is pretty strong and never had any doubts about the second rep. Feels good to have this much weight on my back again.
Set 2 260kg + 50kg Chain
260kg +50kg Chain Set 2
Got the 5 count done a lot better on this set. Feet were out a bit more and as you can see the knee to ankle is a lot more upright. Could have been a little deeper however the speed on the way up is pretty good. The depth part surprised me a little as I felt I was deep enough. Something I will have to work on. No excuses just a little surprised that's all.
Set 3 260kg + 50kg Chain
260kg + 50kg Chain Set 3
Even I can have problems. As soon as the third step hit the ground I knew I was going forward and I just had to get it back on to the pins. This annoyed me a little so made me more determined to do this. The rest was easy. Plenty of speed and power just need to get down more.
So all in all the power and speed off the bottom was good however the set up and depth will have to work on that over the next few weeks.
Pin Squats 320 x 2 reps
Pin Squats 320kg x 2 reps 16th pin
Crap set up and feet nowhere near where they should have been and hands in the wrong place. Ground out a couple of reps. Have to sort that out real quick as well.
Zercher Squats
Zercher Squats 120kg
Reasonable set up however I felt I was down on power here. Could feel my butt and erectors working hard here though. Speed was okay.
Machine Rows
Machine Rows 110 x 6 reps
Getting a bit stronger on these and the reps felt good. Still need a lot more power from my back.Still felt pretty good though.
T/bar Rows
T/bar Rows 75kg x 8 Reps
This felt like it was about the right weight. Good strength and power however have to keep pushing for more out of the last two exercise's.
Straight Bar Good Mornings
Straight Bar Good Mornings
Had to use the straight bar as the safety bar was being so a different position. The weight was about right for this week. It is keeping the form that is the hard part.
Reverse Hypers
Reverse Hypers 80 x 10 reps
Ahhhh Reverse hypers. If you are not doing this exercise start and put it in at the end of your squat day. it is just a good exercise. It makes a big difference for me as well as making me that little bit stronger.
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