Today was bench/triceps day and as I generally work nights today I had to work the morning shift ( I work in a hotel), so I wasn't in the same mind frame as I would have normally have been, therefore I was not sure what to expect.
I worked my way up to what I normally do while warming up and felt pretty good so after my last warm up rep of 180kg off the 4" board, I got into my benchshirt and did a sighter at 220kg off the 4" board which went real well. I was staying with the 4" board. My first work set was 240kg and it felt good and strong. Quick press out so on to 250kg with a slight adjustment to the shirt and brought the bar out a bit further over my chest which put me into a better position to press from and the weight came up real well. Happy with this as I missed it last week which annoyed me a bit. As in my previous post I am not afraid of failure so I took a gamble and went for 260kg. Good lift off but just as I was starting to pull the bar to my chest one off my wrist wraps came loose so I did not have the protection on the wrist I wanted but I still went for it and got it back up but to protect my wrist I stop about 2" from lockout. Then I thought what the hell lets go for it and put 265kg on the bar for a single rep. Good set up and it came to my chest nice and smooth with a strong press out but just could not hold the lockout however I was still real happy to have had a go. Have next week to have another go at that or a bit higher. Who knows however I still have to keep pushing myself. I will not back down to the weight.
After this it was onto some tricep training which was a bit measure because my tri's had already been hammered with the big benches.
Stop presses 3 sets of 6 reps @ 125kg. Starting from a stopped position makes this harder as in this case I am using it as a chest exercise and not a tricep exercise. It is harder because the momentum of the movement and your back are taken out of the exercise. Try it one day and you will see what I mean.
Close grip Bench press 3 sets of 6 rep,5 reps and 5 reps @ 150kg. Real tough work by now as my triceps are starting to run out of power that's why the 2 sets at 5 reps.
Floor press 3 sets of 8 reps @ 100kg I brought the weight back on this for safety reasons. Good long stop on the floor with a strong press to the top though my triceps as this is what I am using this for at the moment.
Flat back D/bell extensions 3 x 8 @ 35kg. Again brought the weight back a bit for safety and the reps as my triceps were pretty dead by this stage and this was just a finisher.
I feel that due to not doing enough tri's over the last few cycles and not lifting the heavy weight it has paid me back by not letting me do the big weights for a couple of weeks however since I picked that up and have now started to train my tricep more and with bigger weights the big weights will come a lot easier. Time will tell.
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