Mondays are Squat days or something similar so as this is the second week of the cycle it means doing Safety bar squats with the No# 1 bands over the bar. After last week I was expecting this to be a lot harder than it turned out to be. I think a better mindset and the advantage of another week made a big difference. Felt a lot stronger and got out some good reps. 3 sets of 3 reps @ 170kg with 40kg of tension from the bands at the top. Here is a picture of the set up.
Safety bar squats set up with No# 1 bands
Also did some Zercher squats after the Safety bar squats. I am using the Zercher squat harness I helped develop with Kevin from I find this works well and saves me from destroying my elbows. Again this week i have gone up in weight and felt these were some real good reps. I also find that by standing a bit wider I get a better workout from my butt. Also you must try and get to a least parallel as you will get so much more out of the exercise. Good control on the way down with reasonable speed on the way up. 3 sets of 6 reps @ 120kg. Also got some pics of this as well.
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