It has been a screwed up week for me and things have been done a little on a when I can get it done basis. So you are going to get a few days in one go.
Deadlifts last week went real well and I am now starting to feel like I need to lift some real heavy shit as they say. Speed off the ground and a strong finish at the moment and all this while I am lifting SUMO style. I normally lift with a normal stance, however since the weight is light I have been using the sumo to help strengthen up abductors and pelvic area. Started doing this last year and it helped my overall stability a lot. 3 sets of 3 reps @ 160kg
Shoulder press @ 60kg is again starting to get to light and they weight will need to go up. Strong press.
Pronated press, again weight is starting to get light and the reps are coming easily. 3 x 8 @ 35kg
Bentover lat raise, As above 3 x 10 @ 15kg with good control and speed on the downward part of this exercise. I do not believe in dropping the weight on this exercise.
Squats: Last week of the cycle. Good to be able to get out wide and stable to squat. A little slow on the way up but not to worried as I could feel my butt working hard. Other than my OLY shoes on all the reps for the last few weeks have been RAW. No belts, knee wraps or anything like that. 3 x2 @ 200kg. Next week on to a new exercise, Safety bar squats with the number 1 bands over the bar.
Front squats: 3 x 6 @ 140kg which felt good and I was able to use the 3 feet positions of narrow, medium and wide. Felt good and this was the first time I have enjoyed this exercise for a while. On to Zercher squats next week for a cycle.
Bent over rows: Felt good and strong on these and was able to get the reps out well even though they were only about 20kg behind my PB. Good control on the down part of the exercise. As I have said I do not like to drop weight when doing these sorts of things.
Benchpress: went in yesterday to see how I would go and I have to admit my benching went a lot better than it has over the last couple of weeks. My spotter was saying there was good speed off my chest and that reps looked a lot stronger and with more power. With the different bench here I am able to get my chest up more and I feel I am getting a better press overall. 2 x 2 @ 150kg and 1 x 3 @ 150kg. There is a IPF stop on the first rep always and on the last set of 3, I put in a stop on the first and third reps. Again raw as I have only been using my wrist wraps.
Incline benchpress was quite easy today with 3 sets of 6 reps @ 90kg, Will change to something else from next week on.
Close grip benchpress went well again this week as it has been doing over the last few weeks. Good power and speed off my chest and I have been able to lockout strong over the last few weeks as well. 3 x 6 @ 120kg.
Flat back dumbbells. have been getting some good results from these in this cycle and am already back up to within 5kg of a PB already. Helps when you are pain free in the elbow area. 3 x 8 @ 32.5kg
Tricep pressdowns. Good finisher for the day as I can concentrate on these and get a good feel of things.
3 x 10 @ 100.110.120 pounds.
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