Monday, May 5, 2014

Max Effort Monday

Well the bug is just about gone and it is now week 3 of this cycle. This bug has taken approx 2 weeks out of my training for the Nationals. Bloody thing.

Still had to have a go just to see where I was up to. First up was Safety Bar Squats, First set I got wrong as I was searching for the bottom when I should have been hitting it right. Speed was good on the ascent on all the sets although I had to work a bit for the last set. 2nd and 3rd set I hit depth real well and was quite happy with them.

Front squats were good and strong. T/bar rows and Dumbbell rows  Were pretty good as well. Also added in some Hyperextensions and Band Obliques.

Overall pretty happy with how it went all things considered however I would say that I am at about 85% - 90% where I would like to have been. That shows you how much this bug beat the shit out of me.  3rd set of safety Bar squats equals my PB for weight on the bar and I think with the 20kg of chain that would be close to PB material as well. Just got to get my timing sorted and who knows. On to something else next week.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Right lets have another go at this......

Okay as most of you probably know a couple of weeks ago I got a real bad man cold that stopped me for a few days. While I have been back in the gym it has taken until now for me to feel like I can start to push myself a bit more. I did say this was going to take about 10 days off my training and it has been pretty close to that. As this is the 3rd week of my cycle I will be trying to hit some better numbers that will carry me into the next cycle. Have been trying to get my timing on my squats back so it will be good to see how that goes and the other day struggled real bad with 220kg for a bench so it will be interesting to see how that goes this week. Deadlifts are coming along nicely even though the weight isn't great at this stage.

On another note a great friend of ours Sonia Manaena is looking at getting to the Open Raw World champs in South Africa so please follow this link and help her out

And on another note I would like to give a BIG congrats to Craig Hirota from Canada for his brilliant performance at the Canadian Raw Powerlifting Champs on the 2nd of April. I have followed Craig's Blog for the last 2 - 3 yrs and have enjoyed his writings. Follow the link and it will put you on to Craig and his google+ site and lead yo to his blog. WELL DONE CRAIG. Hope to see you in Vancouver next year.